CSS Zoom Property

CSS Zoom Propert and its Use
CSS Zoom Property is an old css property used in the internet explorer. Now few of the latest browser also supporting this zoom property. This used to increase or decrease the size of the content in the web page. But this option has some probe with the display property.

The "supported: values are:
percentage - Scale by this percentage
number - Convert to percentage and scale - 1 == 100%; 1.5 == 150%;
normal - zoom: 1;

You can see the three different sizes below first one is small below the normal value.5. Normal default value is 1 one means 100%. Above normal how much you want, you can give. Like that 1.5 its means 150%. You can give the value in two formats, either like number or in percentage

Below Normal 1 - 0.5 = 50%

Normal - 1 = 100%

Above 1 - 1.2 = 120%

Feature Chrome Firefox IE Opera Safari Android iOS
Basic support Any No 5.5+ No 4.0+ TBD TBD
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